IGNOU, National Library of India
Engagement of Library Professionals on contractual basis under NVLI Project
IGNOU NVLI project desires to engage full time consultants purely on contractual basis, initially for a period of six months and extendable further on satisfactory performance and requirement as per University norms.
Name of Post | No. of Positions | Remuneration (Consolidated) | Essential Educational Qualification from a recognized university | Essential and Desirable experience |
Senior Project Associate (SPA-LS) | 5 | Rs. 50,000/- | Masters in Library Science (MLIS) | Five years experience in a reputed organization with Koha and DSpace with understanding of Metadata standards MARC21 and Dublin Core. |
Project Associate, Library Science (PA-LS) | 9 | Rs. 35,000/- | Masters in Library Science (MLIS) | Two years experience in a reputed organization with Koha and DSpace with understanding of Metadata standards MARC21 and Dublin Core. |
Trainee Library Science (TR-LS) | 11 | Rs. 18,000/- | Bachelor of Library Science (BLIS) | Preference will be given to those who have experience in cataloguing, indexing and working in Koha and DSpace. |
Candidates who fulfil the above criteria and are desirous of applying for the post may apply. Last date of submission of online application is 30th June, 2018.
Candidates must have their relative documents and photograph scanned with them. Documents should be in PDF, JPG, JPEG or PNG format and Photograph should be in JPG, JPEG or PNG format and file size should be less than 5 MB.
Candidates must have their relative documents and photograph scanned with them. Documents should be in PDF, JPG, JPEG or PNG format and Photograph should be in JPG, JPEG or PNG format and file size should be less than 5 MB.
Report to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are not able to fill application online.
- Medical Fitness: Selected candidates will have to produce a medical fitness certificate.
- No TA/DA shall be paid for appearing in the interview.
- IGNOU reserves the right to relax in qualification/experience/etc. prescribed.
- The number of posts advertised may vary i.e. reduced/increased.
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