Monday, November 26, 2018

Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi

Method of Recruitment : Deputation/Short-term-contract
Number of vacancies : 4 (Four)
Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC : Rs. 56100-177500 Level -10
Qualifications for Deputation/Short-term contract:
Officials from Central Govt. or Autonomous Bodies or Universities who are:
(i) holding analogous post on regular basis; or
(ii) holding posts in the Level – 6 in Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC with five years regular service; and possessing the following qualifications:
(1) Master’s Degree with 50% marks in any social science from the recognized University or equivalent.
(2) Degree in Library Science or equivalent qualifications.
1. The maximum age limit for appointment by Deputation (including Short-term-Contract) shall not be exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications.
2. Period of Deputation is initially one year extendable as per the rules.
3. In case of deputation/short-term-contract, persons holding equivalent posts or having rendered five years regular service in the next lower grade shall be considered.
4. Educational Qualifications for deputationists shall be equivalent to the qualifications prescribed for direct recruitment.
5. The number of vacancies may increase/decrease.
6. Reservation would be as per the Govt. of India’s instructions/guidelines.
7. In case of applicants applying under deputation category, the serving candidates should send their applications along-with APARs for the last five years and vigilance clearance through proper channel.
8. In case of applicants applying under direct recruitment category, the serving candidates should send their applications through proper channel.
9. Any candidate indulging in any form of canvassing/influence for selection will invite cancellation of his/her candidature.
10. ICSSR reserves the right to interpret all rules including wherever it is not specifically mentioned and may cancel the candidature without assigning any reason(s).
11. Age relaxation will apply as per Govt. of India’s rules. However, the applicant will have to mention for this relaxation and submit the evidence for such relaxation proof along with it.
12. Completed application, in the prescribed format, self-attested copies of certificates in proof of age, qualifications, experience etc. should reach the Administrative Officer, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi-110067 in a sealed cover superscribing the “Post Applied For_____________” latest by 21st December 2018. Incomplete applications will not be entertained.

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